This group of red and blue shirted friends patrol several areas of the City. You will recognize the clean team by their blue shirts and will see them keeping the Downtown Investment District tidy for residents, businesses, and visitors. The ambassadors wear the red shirts and their focus is on quality of life. They patrol the Downtown Investment District, the northwest portion of the City and SoWe neighborhood. Patrolling on both foot and bike, the red shirt ambassadors lend a helping hand by answering questions, doing business checks, providing an extra set of eyes and ears for the safety of individuals and businesses, and identifying items that need to be repaired or replaced.
Downtown Investment District: Clean Team and Ambassadors patrol seven days a week, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Northwest portion of the City: Ambassadors patrol seven days a week, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
SoWe Neighborhood: Ambassadors patrol 45 hours a week, from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
If you need to speak with an Ambassador during these hours, please call 484-724-1385
Talk with the ambassadors, get to know them, make them aware of things that do not seem quite right or have recently changed in your neighborhood. Share information with them that you might not know who to share with to get it corrected. Businesses can do the same thing. Let them know what is going on in your neighborhood and what can be done to make it safe.
Our ambassadors are not commuting, they are patrolling, which is why you see them riding their bikes at a slower pace. When you see an ambassador on the sidewalk, know that they are observing the area for suspicious activity, looking for things that need to be repaired, or stopping to speak with people. This is best accomplished with a slow ride on the sidewalk where they can offer a helping hand and engage the community.
It is a financial commitment for the neighborhoods. It takes approximately $65,000 to fund one ambassador to patrol 40 hours a week. The money goes toward their salary, equipment, uniforms, and insurance. Neighborhoods with ambassadors have either raised the money to pay for them, or do so through an annual assessment. If any group would like more information on having ambassadors in their area, please contact the Lancaster City Alliance at